Monday, October 02, 2006


no longer desperate...

i woke up just in time for my weekly dose of desperate housewives. and it might just be the last time that i watch the show, at least for awhile...

1. the portrayal of the estranged baby mama as white trash, immature, and hypersexual to the point where it's ok for lynette to manipulate her into dating men who are abusive

2. susan's high school aged daughter is hit on by edie's nephew, clearly older and "more experienced"/less innocent that her character. isn't she a little young to be seduced? isn't this what we're trying to move away from.

3. gabrielle and edie, the hypersexual women on the block are the only two without children in the groups. edie remains an outsider. gabrielle is unable to have children. and, given the chance to have a child using the body of her illegal immigrant asian maid (also sexualized, but here blatant racism is permitted from one minority to another), do they finally give her a baby? of course not. instead, the baby born from the maid is BLACK; america's biggest nightmare. so not cool...

I completely agree. I think Gabrielle and Carlos are the worst representation Lationos on TV today.
thats why u should watch star trek...
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