Friday, September 08, 2006


F*ck voting!

I'm tired of black people and other bleeding heart liberals telling other black people that the solution to their woes is to vote for one of these moderate people pleasers in blue. Let's assume for the moment that the democrats were to put up the pro-choice, anti-war, pro- reparations, anti corporation, pro-working class, free health care/education/childcare believing, semi-socialist candidate of our dreams. Even if we were to vote in record numbers, the electoral college still decides who takes it all and our votes do little more than make blue states bluer! blue people in red states move to blue states. No one wants to stay somewhere where they feel marginalized if they don't have to.

Why don't we put energy behind things that might actually make a difference, like a voting holiday so people don't have to try to get off work to vote, or eliminating the electoral college all together? Why is election day on a Tuesday?

Voting Holiday...great idea. It makes absolutely no sense that people have to vote on a work day. How are you MB? How is the PhD. program going? Having talked to you in a while. I know you're doing great things!!!
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